Friday 5 April 2013

Share My Life ..

" share my life , take me for what I am coz I never change all my colours for you .. "

Even though there's so much obstacles that I'd faced alone.. but I've never given up on what I've started . From the beginning , I know that the crisis of love would be like this , friendship crisis , family crisis .. I've faced it alone.. Even though I've a boyfriend , I'll never told him because I know that it'll makes him stress than before.. he's doing his job as a boyfriend very well.. but I didn't .. I do love him now and forever .. but is this feeling would be last forever? I just want to be part of his life.. but I can't make it.. I destroyed it .. yes.. I deserved it.. I can't cry any more.. my tears dried.. its not a regret.. but its a feeling of love still inside of me.. 

That's all from me
WieynacienawaRubuntal (facebook)
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